How to Save a Homeschool Day Gone ‘Bad’

A fellow homeschooling mama and friend recently shared she was compiling tips
from other homeschooling mamas to share about what they do
to save a homeschool day gone “bad”.

It’s a great questions — because we all have “those” days.

Here is how I responded when she asked me to contribute:

I like to go with my intuition and what my soul speaks and when you asked me what my best tip was for handling a homeschool day “gone bad”, I believe deeply that there really isn’t a “bad” homeschool day (and, yep, I’ve homeschooled longer than one day. It’s been 18 1/2 years.)
Every day we have is for our beautiful soul correction and full of purpose. I love to ask myself the question, “to what purpose?” or “what can I learn from this?” or “how can I grow?”. Perhaps in a day that I perceive as being less effective or stressful, it causes me to be introspective to see if I need to set aside time to plan or prepare. Or perhaps it is a time when I get to practice and experience more patience, more gentleness, more understanding, more prayer, more praise, more connection, more spontaneity, or more play. The possibilities are endless.
My favorite practical way to interrupt a “blah” day, is to physically get up and move… to change it up. To take a walk, go to a park, make ice cream and sit in the sunshine with the children. It’s a perfect time to kick the blah and mundane to the curb and create an enjoyable space to be intentional and present in!
– Christina Kubik,

Be sure to check out her blog post HERE to see more great responses and tips!

What do YOU do when you have one of “those” days?
I would love to hear your comments!

About Christina K

Woman. Wife. Mompreneur. Empowerment Coach. Home Educator. Essential Oil Educator. Book and Tea enthusiast.
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